Volunteer Information

Registration fees do not cover the actual cost to run a full season of softball.  Our desire is to allow as many girls to participate as possible. As a nonā€profit organization, we rely heavily on volunteers in a variety of ways to run a successful league.

We offer many opportunities to volunteer, some are listed below:

  • Manager
  • Coach
  • Assistant Coach 
  • Dugout Parent 
  • Team Parent
  • Umpire*
  • Scorekeeper
  • Field Prep / Maintenance
  • Trash (Take trash to front of Buckeye school, near gym)
  • Team Sponsor
  • Opening / Closing Ceremonies
  • Special Events
  • Tournament Help
  • Board Member
  • Special Projects
  • Background Checked Parent

*paid umpire positions with FGSL will count toward volunteer hours

In the past, it has been difficult for the league to find enough volunteers. As such, we require:

  • 1 Child in the program requires 8 total hours (with 2 of those hours in the Snack Bar). 
  • 2 Children or more in the program requires 10 total hours (with 4 of those hours in the Snack Bar).
  • If you sponsor a team, coach, assistant coach or dugout parent you are exempt from completing the required volunteer hours.

To ensure that each player fulfills their volunteer commitment, we require a refundable $200 deposit. This check can be made out to FGSL and turned in by uniform shirt pick up day.  At the conclusion of the season, the uncashed check will be returned to you or destroyed by the league. The league will only cash checks if the volunteer commitment has not been completed by closing ceremonies.   

Below are instructions to help you sign up for all our volunteer options with the league:

  • To sign up for available volunteer shifts, log in to your account and select My Account.
    Example: My Account >> Volunteer Shifts >> Select Member Name >> Available Shifts (Select shift/date/time) >> Enter Request. 
  • To sign up as a coach, team parent, manager, log in to your account and select My Account.
    Example: My Account >> Place Order >> Select Member Name (Parent) >> Enrollment Type (Volunteer) >> Offering (Division you will volunteer for) >> Enrollment Selection (Type of Volunteer) >> Add Enrollment >> Proceed to Checkout.

For questions or more information email vicepresident@fgsl.org